Video link resources for equations

Saturday, July 22, 2017

A few reminders for solving multi-step equations:

1)  Start by simplifying both sides of the equals sign
      A) use the distributive property to remove parentheses
      B) combine like terms

2)  Use addition and subtraction to collect variable terms on one side of the equal sign and constant terms on the other side of the equal sign.

3)  Multiply or divide to isolate the variable.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Just a note about the name of this website MEZZO MATH.
I teach middle school math.  MEZZO is another word for middle. 
I believe that middle school years is an important time in a person's life.
The middle school years are time of bridging from dependent on other to independent.  
I also believe that this the time when students are bridging from concrete math topics to abstract content.  The math that is taught that I teach in 8th grade builds a foundation for al of the high school courses.  So just like this is an important time in one's life, the math taught at this time is critical for future courses.

 Hi - My name is Lori Ann Walmer.  I teach 8th grade mathematics and algebra at Donegal Junior High School is Mount Joy, PA.  My husband Dan and I have been happily married for 24 years and during that time we were blessed with two darling daughters, Jenna and Jamie.  I love teaching middle school math and being involved with our school community.  I am a SAP team member and I co-lead the Builder Club program.  Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my family, particularly watching Jamie play soccer and Jenna swim.  We are also active at our church where I teach senior high Sunday school and serve on the Worship team. 
This blog will include helpful tools to build a solid foundation about equations to help prepare students for an algebra 1 course.   The first rule to remember is that an equation is like a balance.